Robotics Social Club

Adults and Seniors Robotics Social Club

Meet new people and create together

Welcome to Our Social Robotics Club for Adults and Seniors! 

Are you intrigued by the world of robotics but unsure where to begin? Join us in our welcoming and engaging Social Robotics Club, where enthusiasts of BEGINNER level come together to learn, create, and connect! 

Who We Are

Our club is a haven for adults who share a curiosity for robotics, a desire to learn, and a passion for socializing. You'll find a supportive community eager to explore the exciting world of robotics together.

What We Do

Every week, we gather for 1 hour of hands-on exploration and friendly conversation. No prior robotics or programming experience is needed—just bring your enthusiasm and a desire to learn!

Creative Projects 

Together, we embark on a variety of robotics projects designed for beginners. From building simple bots that navigate mazes to crafting robotic arms that pick up objects, there's something for everyone. 

Learning Sessions 

Our club hosts casual and engaging learning sessions where we dive into the basics of robotics. Led by experienced members and guest speakers, these sessions cover everything from understanding sensors to programming simple movements. 

Collaborative Building 

One of the best parts of our club is the collaborative spirit. Work alongside fellow members to brainstorm ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and celebrate successes together. 

Friendly Conversations 

Beyond the nuts and bolts of robotics, our club is a place to make connections. Engage in lively discussions about the latest developments in robotics, share your favorite tech discoveries, or simply chat about life.  

 Why Join Us:

Join Us Today!

Ready to dive into the exciting world of robotics in a fun and social setting? Come join us at our next gathering! Whether you're a complete novice or have a bit of experience, there's a place for you in our club.
